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DataStation at first international innovation training conference in Skopje


Main topic: Unlocking innovation potential of FYRM companies

Innovation training conference in Skopje, Macedonia

Companies can use the creativity of its employees, to better leverage their ideas and suggestions that may affect the improvement of business processes, position and revenue - said participants at the first international training conference organized by Datastation Innovation Cloud - Belgium and Vision Consulting - Skopje in cooperation with the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.

DataStation Innovation Cloud offered its own free online idea management solution - Innovation Cloud as a take away to all participants, to assist companies to kick start their idea management programs and reach their full innovative potential.

At the opening speech, Zoran Torgašev, CIO and founder of DataStation, explained the importance of the innovation and structured approach to turning employee and client creativity into profit. 

Zoran Torgašev, CIO and founder of DataStation Innovation Cloud

Every employee is inventive, has the potential and capacity for innovation, but the company should recognize, give him a chance to use it. 

- Companies introduce innovative products, but the idea is to start thinking that all their employees are creative. It is a necessary transition from an economy based on efficiency to economy based on innovation, and key stakeholders in this process are private companies, said Igor Andreev of Vision Consulting before the conference.

All in favor of spreading the awareness of Macedonian companies about the importance of innovation and creativity as the condition for greater competitiveness.

Andreev emphasized the need to introduce the idea management software system with which companies can continuously structure, collect and evaluate ideas of the employees and clients, too.

Igor Andreev, Vision consulting

Raising awareness about the importance of innovation in strengthening the competitiveness of companies, is the goal and the Fund for innovation and technological development.

- Our mission is not only financial support for innovation, but also to raise awareness of the importance of innovation in strengthening the competitiveness of companies, creating revenue and jobs as a benefit for the whole economy, noted director Jasmina Popovska.

EVN is one of the companies to increase the creativity of employees, already have introduced the principle of idea management. For such a process is provided for a separate budget.

- The aim is to give employees ideas that will have a direct impact on business processes, increase revenue, reduce costs and in general, improving the company’s reputation. Many of them have been accepted and implemented, said Elizbaeta Nikolovska EVN.

Creative employees are key factors of the innovation initiative, so National Association of prestigious academics launched a project with aim to connect gifted students with innovative companies.  Vitomir Rašić and Vojin Vasiljević, DataStation Innovation Cloud

- The goal is to use their creative potential of which would benefit mostly private companies in the attempt to come up with ideas for new products and operations, said Viktor Georgievski, President of the Association.

On the conference participants were part of the Creative workshop held by Igor Andreev - Vision consulting and software demonstration held by Vitomir Rašić and Vojin Vasiljević - DataStation Innovation Cloud. 

Video of the complete conference can be found here: 
